credit: Tino Testorricci
Author: Carl Morris
credit: Tino Testorricci
Transformer Man
credit: Drelladesign
Franckly, my dear
credit: Fabien
Ringo Starr – Stop And Smell The Roses
Ringo Starr was in the news today. So, there I was, frantically searching for a Sleeveface of the man for some topicality.
Then Wired beat me to it. But it’s a good one and deserves another showing.
Sleeveface is still open for all correspondence, as if we’d ever desert you.
credit: asleeponasunbeam
Essex Machine
credit: Fabien
My Old Piano
credit: GĂ©rald Janniaux
Alpert Square
credit: Jorge Herran Ramirez
I Want You
credit: Thierry Brasseur
A Forest
credit: Johanne Grossenbacher