Sleeveface Retrospective 2008
Isaac Hayes 1942 – 2008
Credit: Andrew Ingram Cooke / Ally Brown
one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy
I hope you’re enjoying the recent Christmas Sleevefaces.
I STILL have stacks of festive shopping to do. That reminds me…
The Sleeveface book is out now! If you’re buying gifts for friends and family, you have just a few hours to order online and get it in time for Christmas.
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If you want to tip-off a book shop, the publisher is called Artisan Workman and the ISBN is 978-1579653798
You’ve seen the pics, here are the heartwarming testimonials.
Just the best sight gag in ages!
David Bowie
For all you Vinyl Junkies, instead of just smelling the vinyl you can be the vinyl! If you believe that surrealism is the new reality!
Andy Bell (Erasure)
At my first glance at Sleeveface, I thought, Man, kids these days have too much free time on their hands. But within minutes my girlfriend and I were rifling through my record collection looking for suitable sleeves to make our own sleevefaces. It’s fun for all ages. Keep the sleeve alive! Genius!
Arthur Baker (record producer)
In 2006 I got rid of every album I had ever owned, some had been with me for 39 years. I believed they were redundant in this age of the hard drive and because I hate nostalgia. I now realise I had made a mistake. This mistake means I can no longer look forward to Sleevefacing parties, Sleevefacing sleepovers and attending the first ever Sleevefacing convention in Toronto
Bill Drummond (KLF, now author)
You are a funny man. Ha ha.
I like your website very much.
The face on the bag is me when I am unhappy.
My bag was inspired by my mother. Not your website. Sorry.
I am sorry I missed your parties.
Have fun.
Karl Lagerfeld (fashion designer) in Sleeveface site comment
I think I’ll name my first born Sleeveface.
Things I Like to Read….While I Should be Working (blog)
Sleeveface is the most brooding, sullen, sexy as hell way to prolong the death of our culture. Long live the record! Resurrection is part of the hero’s journey. Renewing, revitalizing, reappraising pop culture in ways no industry could ever dream of. Hats off to these Rock ‘n’ Roll creeps from Wales! DIY adulation and worship of these now ancient deities deserve all our most fashionable darlings’ attention and all art crazies desperate to be the next big thing at the Biennale. Unfathomable!!! Unquestionably this attitude gets all those pop legends back from the dead and inside, on top, to the left and right of the liver and kidney body parts of the next generation. Who says they are not Patti Smith? Elton John? David Bowie? Tim Buckley? Elvis? Who says? Who says?
Malcolm McLaren (musician / band manager)
I am very taken by the new phenomena called sleeveface. I am sure we can work it into some kind of organisational communications programme.
Able and How agency blog
If these pictures weren’t so funny, you could call them “conceptual art” and enter them for the Turner prize.
Sunday Times magazine
Oll ‘da chi ei angen ydi clawr LP a wyneb (golygus ai peidio), a bingo – mae gennych wyneb clawr! Hawdd!
Bandit (Welsh TV show)
I love this. Brilliant idea. I wish I thought of it!
Marc Ecko (fashion designer) in blog
C’est l’idée futile et à la mode de ce mois. Prenez une pochette de disque. Idéalement celle d’un 33 tours, représentant une quelconque partie du corps humain (visage, main, jambe…). Choisissez ensuite un homme ou une femme de votre entourage, et faites-le coïncider avec la pochette du disque. Ensuite, prenez une photo. Vous venez de réussir un sleeveface (littéralement « visage de pochette »), des clichés qui se diffusent sur Internet.
Le Monde (French newspaper)
This book WON’T help you lose weight, make friends or money, won’t help you give up chocolate or change the way you think. It will, however, make you laugh, stare and wonder at the brilliance of Sleeveface!
Huw Stephens, BBC Radio 1
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy
Credit: Firebrand Graphic Design Consultancy