What’s brown and smelly and comes out of Cowes?

credit: Maggy Cailloux

The answer to the question above is of course the Isle Of Wight ferry*.

“Is this photo strictly a Sleeveface?”, I hear you cry. Well most people I know like it and there is a body part slightly obscured (the fingers). So it’s in!

* N.B. This gag requires a working knowledge of European geography.

Charity Shopping

Today we have picked up some gems from Cardiff’s charity shops. And when I say gems, I mean RECORDS.

(Incidentally thanks to all the shops we cleaned out. At least one should be reading this – hello Wales Air Ambulance.)

We’ll be taking today’s hoard to the rather excellent Latitude Festival in Suffolk this weekend. Then on Friday at the Lake Stage it’s Sleeveface party time – after the bands.

Come and say hello, pose for Sleevefaces (pile of sleeves and snapper on standby) and dance your flip-flops off.

And now for a Sleeveface weather report…

Still optimistic.