Credit: Kevin Slodic
Our Endless Numbered Sleeves
Credit: Thomas Inskeep / Jeb Edwards
Electric Light Orchestra
Daytime Friends
Credit: Nick Smeraski
Archimède – A full blown music video with loads of sleeveface
Hey, this is a bit different.
This is a video from a rock band called Archimède who are from France. The song is called “Vilaine Canaille”. It contains many, many sleevefaces.
I’ve never heard of them before until somebody emailed me about this. They picked a pretty decent concept for a music video, non? So hats off to them. Merci beaucoup et bon courage!
Follow Sleeveface on Twitter to hear about and report the latest sleeveface sightings.
Dre Day
Credit: Ahmad Al-Shakarchi
Songs Of Love
Credit: Christophe Gowans
1st March
To Shirley Bassey and all other Welsh people worldwide – we hope you had a great St. David’s Day today!
Credit: Kommunikation Lohnzich
Credit: Fran, Aimee and Dominic
McCartney II
Credit: Peter Rockwell